Our replica Matchless G50 engine - Description and Specification.
Our replica motor is manufactured using the best quality materials and components available. We used the original AMC competition department drawings, re drawn using CAD, to assure the accuracy of our in - house manufacturing and compatibility where applicable with existing AMC type engines. Our aim is to provide our customers with a top quality product that is fast, with a good spread of power and most of all, be reliable. Our customers can choose either magnesium or aluminium crankcases, magnesium cases will always fail eventually, aluminium cases seem to last forever. The weight difference is approximately 6lbs.
We offer a choice of build options to suit each individual customers needs.
We decided from the outset that the crankshaft assembly would be bullet proof, we work closely with who make our flywheels from billet EN36, hardened and ground all over with integral oversize main shafts, and are fitted with a Carrilo connecting rod and Tornado Speedway crankpin assembly.
We are now pleased to be able to offer a one piece plain bearing crankshaft assembly, complete with titanium connecting rod Click Here to view.
All our engines incorporate the following features:
- Fag X-life heavy duty brass caged main bearings, oversized for added durability.
Cylinder barrel assembly comprising a machined heat treated cast alloy jacket, containing a machined from solid HE30 liner, the bore is precision honed and the liner outer diameter ground before final assembly and Apticote plating.
We offer a complete Dyno set up service to all our customers and we also highly recommend Russ @ TorqueTune and Don @ HB Motorcycles for their professional, methodical and determined approach to engine set up, top blokes. Visit TorqueTune & HB Motorcycles websites by clicking on the following links :- , .
Click the image below for engine specifications.